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The strategies that are used in MAPEH are dependent upon the learning ability of the student as well as the specific subject and the level at which it is being taught. Teachers will often make use of a variety of instruments and tools to support the learning process.

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Q: What are the strategies in teaching mapeh?
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What is teaching strategy and name 5 teaching strategies?

Teaching strategies are the methods you use to allow learners to access the information you are teaching. For example, you could read the information to them; you could display it pictorially; you could allow them to research the information themselves; you could present it as a PowerPoint presentation. People learn in 3 main ways - visually, auditory and kinaesthetically. Visual learners learn by looking at/seeing something. Auditory learners learn by hearing it/being told it. Kinaesthetic learners learn by actually doing/experiencing it. Your teaching strategies should aim to include all types of learner.

What are the strategies in teaching elementary hekasi?

You have to make your talks educational and fun. If you get students to write/cope from books all lesson, they will not learn and will hate your class.

What are the implication of an everchanging curriculum to teacher?

The implication of an ever changing curriculum to teachers is that it serves as an another opportunity for the teacher to develop her strategies and method of teaching. There are also negative implications in an ever changing curriculum where the teachers will take time to adapt to the changes of the curriculum.

Why do you say mapeh is important of people?

MAPEH stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. All these components are needed for sustainable human development. In this way we take care of the development of both body and mind.

How can you make use of pupil centered teaching methods?

Look up cooperative learning strategies that include teamwork, group work, and having one child help another.