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Symptoms of bloodborne pathogens include stomach problems, flu like symptoms, fatigue, and weight loss. HIV and malaria are bloodborne pathogens.

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Q: What are the symptoms of pathogens?
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It is a viral infection usually seen in preschool children. It presents with typical upper respiratory syndrome symptoms and can be distinguished by the red "slapped cheek" rash on the face.

The person who harbors infectious organisms?

A carrier is someone who harbors infectious organisms without having symptoms. Carriers together may represent a reservoir of pathogens.

Why don't medicines like aspirin cure your illness?

Aspirin is just a painkiller therefore it will have no effect on the viruses which have entered your tissues and make you feel ill. They relieve your symptoms but do not kill the pathogens. You have to wait for your immune system to overcome the pathogens. this still doesn't explain what the asprin actually does to you

How do pathogens cause disease?

Some produce toxins, while others invade cells or tissues and then produce toxins. Even when localized in the body, such infections can have systemic effects. Symptoms are often a result of the body over-reacting in its own defence.

What is the difference between germs and pathogens?

All germs are pathogens but all pathogens is not germs.

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Antibodies respond to pathogens.

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Can pathogens be fatal?

it all depends on what type of pathogens they are.

What are the smallest pathogens called?

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