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base, beggarly, cheap, derisory, invaluable, despicable

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Q: What are the synonyms for thesarus?
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Related questions

What are some synonyms of the word 'baring'?

Some listed synonyms to the word baring on a thesarus website include: DIsclose, Divulge, echibit, expose, publish, show, uncover, unroll, reveal and unveil.

What is another word for goofed?

Synonyms for goofed would include erred, flubbed, stumbled. Have you ever heard of a dictionary or a thesarus....would have saved you some time waiting for an answer.

Can you use a thesarus to find an antonym?

Of course.

What is thesarus?

A thesaurus - is a book of alternative words.

What is the difference between thesarus and dictionery?

A thesarus tells you other adjectives so that you can find better things to write and a dictionary tells you the meanings or Definitions of words.

What is better encyclopedia or thesarus?

It would depend on your requirements.

What is rogets thesarus?

Roget's Thesaurus is a reference book that groups words with similar meanings together. It helps users find synonyms and related words to improve their writing and expand their vocabulary. The original version was published in 1852 by Peter Mark Roget.

What the same word as fail?

Look it up in a Thesarus. My opinion is loose.

What is the plural of thesarus?

Thesauri or thesauruses is the plural of thesaurus. Both are acceptable

What is a female robber a robberett?

gramatically yes or a robbress check the rogets thesarus or collective /gender nouns

What is a word that means the as domestic?

according to meriam-websters thesarus online, "residential" is a like word.

Another word for command beginning with letter m?

I typed the word command into the thesarus on Microsoft Word and I got mastery (noun). I hope this can help.