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Usually cactus grow fairly well, so to aloe-vera plants.

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Q: What are the things that can be made in the sand?
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What Things are made from sand?

Glass is made from silica sand, sand is an ingredient of concrete and mortar, sand dunes, beaches and hot deserts are also mostly sand. Sand paper is also made from sand.

What are the things pyramids was made of called?

Stone: Specifically sand stone and lime stone

What were the 2 things pyramids were built of?

They were made of sand and glue. many people don't know this but they were also made of gold.

What is silica sand use?

Jt is used for many things. Glass is made from silica. Sand is used in making concrete and mortar, and as an abrasive (grinding) agent.

What is silica sand used for?

Jt is used for many things. Glass is made from silica. Sand is used in making concrete and mortar, and as an abrasive (grinding) agent.

Is sand used by living things?

Yes, living things used sand.

What is dirt made of?

dirt is made up of disintegrated rock and humus Dirt is made up of four things. They are humus, clays, stones, and sand.

Is soil made from rock?

No but there's rock in it. soil is made from many things. decomposed plants and animals, rocks, sand, and lots of other things. glad i could help

What is the Sahara desert made of?

I only know that 30% of the Sahara desert is made of sand but i dont know whta the other 70% is :S i heard it from my friend...(:

Is sand made out of glass?

yes glass is made out of sand

What are the adaptations of a sand cat?

there is no such things of sand cats.

Are bottles renewable or non renewable?

Renewable refers to things like wind or sunshine, which keep on coming even if we use them to produce energy.Other things get used up and don't renew.Bottles are made from glass, which is made from sand. Sand is not renewable. So bottles are non-renewable. (They ARE recyclable, of course.)