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You could be put in jail. Plus, the animal suffers and might die from injury and starvation. Animals are living things, they feel pain like we do, so no animal should EVER be abused or mistreated.

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Q: What are the things that could happen in result of animal abuse like what could happen to the animal?
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How severe can animal abuse get?

Animal abuse can range from taunting to teasing to physical abuse. Sometimes it can result in death.

How does animal abuse happen?

When people are being stupid and cruel and thoughtless.

Why shouldn't people abuse animals?

animal abuse is cruel altogether but if that is not enough of a reason then how about all of the people that are cruel to humans after they are cruel to animals, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people... do you want that to happen?It's against the law.Animals are living, breathing things that feel as you do.

What would happen to a animal abuser if they got caught?

It depends on the abuse and on wether the abuser was properly aware of what he was doing. Often animal abuse is the result of negligence or ignorance and can be put right with a little education. However for those that commit serious act of cruelty there are heavy fines and at times goal sentences

Are abused animals always in cages?

No, there are many forms of animal abuse and many don't involve putting the animal in cages. Physical abuse and neglect can happen outside of a cage.

What will happen if you put a dog or cat in the DRYER?

it willdie or explode

Is education important to stop animal abuse?

yes, if we do not educate ourselves with the things that people do to animals than we cannot see how the animal is hurt, and if we do not educate ourselves on what animal abuse is we may become an animal abuser.

Do people that abuse animals abuse children or their wife as well?

That would not be surprising, Abuse is the result of a combination of lack of genuine strength and an inability to empathize with others human or animal

Neglecting animal abuse?

Yes, neglecting an animal is animal abuse.

Cruelty to living things such as animals?

Cruelty to Living things such as animals, is called Abuse. abuse can simply be not feeding it for weeks at a time, or letting your animal get hurt by another pet. even giving your pet not enough treatment for it's health is abuse if taken to the extremes. please do not abuse your pet or any other animals. before i publish this, i want to say that abuse can also be used in hunting. if a hunter wounds an animal but lets it suffer until it dies, that is abuse. or if the hunter takes a shot at the animal, and doesn't go after it, that is considered abuse as well. if you know or see anyone abusing their animal or a animal in general, please notify fish and game or the police so that person can be stopped. animal abuse is cruel and should be stopped.

What year had the most animal abuse?

the year with the most animal abuse is every year,many people like to abuse animal in diffrent ways.Overbreeding and poching animal are some of our main parts of animal abuse.

Why animal cruelty is related to child abuse?

Animal cruelty is related to child abuse because animals or children are living things. Hurting animals is like hurting kids because they are defenceless.