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12y ago

There's the Continent-Continent Convergent Boundary, the Continent-Oceanic Convergent Boundary, and the Oceanic-Oceanic Convergent Boundary.

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Q: What are the three different types of convergent plate boundaries?
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What are the four plate boundaries?

The names of the three different plate boundaries are: Convergent, Divergent, and Transform.

What are the three different setting of convergent boundaries?

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.

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the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries

What are three types of plate bounderys?

the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries

What are the three types of convergent?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

What are the three types plate boundaries?

Three types of plate boundaries are spreading boundaries, colliding boundaries, and sliding boundaries. um actually they are divergent, convergent, and transform

What are three different types of convergent plate boundaries?

ocean-ocean ocean-continent continent-continent

Name 3 plate boundaries?

divergent, transform and convergent

What are the 4 plates in plate boundaries?

The Are Seven Primary Plates, so there cannot be only Five Boundaries, I know the tectonic Plates are The 1. African Plate 2. Antarctic Plate 3. Eurasian Plate 4. Indo-Australian Plate 5. North American Plate 6. Pacific Plate 7. South American Plate There Are Three Basic types of boundary; Divergent, Convergent and Transform boundaries Hopefull somebody can tell you all their names of the boundaires between them because these different Plates will me touching two or More Plates hence a lot of different boundaries

What are the tree types of plate boundaries?

Plate boundaries are places where two tectonic plates meet. There are three major types of plate boundaries. These are divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

What are the main types of tectonic plate boundaries?

There are three primary types of tectonic plate boundaries. They pertain of Divergent boundaries, Convergent boundaries and Transform-fault boundaries.

What are the three types of boundaries?

Three types of plate boundaries are spreading boundaries, colliding boundaries, and sliding boundaries. um actually they are divergent, convergent, and transform