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Lift: The force that keeps the plane flying.

Drag: The force that slows down the plane.

Weight: Theattractionto the ground.

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Q: What are the three forces that act on an airplane?
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What are the forces that act on an airplane flight?


What are the forces that act an airplane in flighht?

Gravity , wind and air pressure.

What are the forces involved in airplane flight?

Thrust and drag are two important forces act on air craft.

What are the four forces that act on an airplane in flight?

Lift, weight, thrust and drag.

What causes an airplane to change their velocity and direction?

Forces, these forces can be created by the environment or the airplane.

What are the forces on an airplane?

There are four forces that act on an airplane that keeps it at a level altitude. Thrust, drag, weight, and lift determine whether a pilot flies at a level altitude.

What three forces act from a distance?

Gravity, magnetism, and electrostatic.

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Center of gravity for an airplane?

The center of gravity is a point on the airplane that the airplane would balance while sitting on the ground. The center of gravity or also called "the CG" is important in trimming the aircraft in flight as the weight has to balance out the forces on the wing. It is also important in aerodynamic maneuvers as the G-forces act through CG.

Which four forces causes a airplane to become airborne?

There are two forces that causes an airplane to be airborne. They are Thrust and Lift. The other two forces resists the airplane's flight. They are Gravity and Drag.

When an airplane is flying straight and level what can be said about the forces on an airplane?

the forces are equal to balance the aircraft in flight