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The treatment is to find the underlying condition and treat it. Treatment with thyroid hormone replacement is not appropriate. When the underlying disorder is treated, results of thyroid tests normalize.

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Q: What are the treatment of euthyroid?
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Related questions

Euthyroid in patients mean?

Euthyroid means normal thyroid.

Does euthyroid mean a hyperactive thyroid gland?

Euthyroid means that the gland is working within normal established and accepted parameters.

What is meant by the term Euthyroid?

Euthyroid means the thyroid hormone levels are within normal limits, as opposed to hypothyroid or hyperthyroid.

What is the resembling a normal thyroid?


Which group of people is euthyroid?

The vast majority of people are euthyroid (normal thyroid hormone levels and functioning). A very small minority of people have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

What medical term describes a normally functioning thyroid gland?

The medical term meaning a thyroid gland that appears to be functioning within normal parameters is Euthyroid.

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Euthyroid means a hyperactive thyroid gland?

No, actually euthyroid means a normally functioning thyroid gland; it is a state of normal thyroid gland function. The term hyperthyroid means that the thyroid is overactive, and hypothyroid refers to an under active thyroid.

What does 8690291 euthyroid levels mean?

Nothing. Thyroid levels are reported in terms of TSH, free T4 and total T4 level values.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning normal?

Normo- is the prefix to mean normal, as in normotensive. Sometimes the combining form eu- is used, as in euthyroid.

How can you have a multinodular goiter on your thyroid but normal blood tests so no treatment needed and some physical symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:- * Tiredness * Fatigue * Cold intolerance * Constipation * Decreased appetite * Dry skin and hair * Confusion Basically a slowing down of the entire body, most systems are affected. Multinodular goitre: Can be present in hyperthyroidism, which is the complete opposite of the symptoms above, in toxic multinodular goitre. Treatment for a euthyroid (normal tests) multinodular thyroid is recommended to be surgery if required, as giving thyroid hormones (T4) is shown not to be beneficial. See:

What is an adjunct treatment?

An adjunct treatment is an additional treatment used for increasing the efficacy or safety of a primary treatment.