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Asbestos containing objects, like gloves and heating pads, can be placed in a closed bag and discarded in most jurisdictions. In some places you may need to label the bag as containing asbestos and send it to a landfill that accepts asbestos waste. If building materials such as ceiling tile, pipe insulation, floor tile, roofing materials, etc., contain asbestos, the process of getting rid of it is more complex. Usually some form of enclosure is set up around the area from which the materials are to be removed and wetted processes are used to reduce and control production of dust. Waste is double bagged, sealed, cleaned on the outside, specially marked and taken by specially qualified and equipped waste haulers to designated landfills. The enclosure may be kept under negative pressure with special fans, and a closeout inspection and testing is required to confirm the area has been properly cleaned before the enclosure is removed. Usually all this work must be planned and performed by people who have been trained to deal with asbestos and have certificates or licenses from the government to do so. Untrained people should not remove asbestos building materials, no matter how simple it may seem to them because:

1) through lack of knowledge and experience they may do it wrong and contaminate the building, requiring substantial costs to clean it up, and

2) doing so is usually against the law and in some cases has resulted in criminal prosecution.

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15y ago
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15y ago

The only reliable way to identify asbestos in a material is by submitting a sample of the material to laboratory for inspection under a Polorised Light Microscope (PLM) by a qualified and trained technician. You may be lucky and find the word 'asbestos' on the product or material, in the absence of this, a material of unknown origin or composition that might contain asbestos should always be presumed to contain asbestos until proven otherwise.

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15y ago

How asbestos is cleaned up is driven in part by the regulations that local authorities have put in place. these regulations may require government notification in advance of any work, use oftrained and certified workers, hiring only of asbestos-licensed contracting firms, among other things. In general, the area is closed off with plastic barriers and ventilated through HEPA filters. Workers wear complete, disposable body coverings and filtering respirators. The asbestos containing material is wetted thoroughly before removal and placed in bags immediately upon removal. The bags are sealed, bagged themselves, and cleaned before being removed form the work area. Workers strip and shower before leaving the work area. All water from the work area is filtered before before being released to the sewers. The work area is hand-wiped on all surfaces and dried before air samples are collected to confirm airborne asbestos levels are sufficiently low, and only then is the work area enclosure removed, bagged and discarded.

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14y ago

There are some palliative treatments for asbestos-related disease, there is no treatment for asbestos, per se.

If you have lung cancer that resulted from asbestos exposure, the treatment is the same as for any other lung cancer - surgery possibly followed by radiation or chemotherapy.

If you have asbestosis, the treatment is the same as for other lung scarring diseases - avoid excessive exertion and eventually, use bottled oxygen

If you have mesothelioma, there is no treatment.

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How do you identify asbestos insulation?

The only way to reliably identify asbestos-containing insulation is to have a small sample analysed by a qualified laboratory.

Can you test for asbestos by trying to burn it?

No. The only way to accurately identify asbestos is by a laboratory test, typically using polarized light microscopy. Many things will not burn- one of which is asbestos.

What does asbestos look like?

Asbestos is a fiberous mineral. It is hard to describe its appearance but white asbestos has a look similar to cotton wool, whereas brown and blue asbestos look similar to crushed timber but on a much much smaller scale. It is not possible to look at a manufactureed product with the naked eye and determine whether it contains asbestos. An experienced minerologist might be able to identify raw, unprocessed asbestos by sight, but where exposure and health is a concern, lab analysis should be relied upon.

How do I identify asbestos in my recently purchased home?

If your house was build before 1980, has vinyl flooring, acoustic ceiling tiles, or old parts (pipes, heating, attic, etc.) there may be asbestos present. You can find pictures of asbestos online to aid in identification. Also, you can call a local professional for guidance.

What element is fire resistant it's material no longer used due to its carcinogenicity?

Asbestos (particularly blue asbestos)

Could a papery substance under OLD vinyl flooring be asbestos or fiberglass. Was fiberglass used in floor mastic during the 1970s and early 80s?

Whether you have asbestos containing material can only be determined by a laboratory test.Asbestos was used in floor coverings, adhesives (that is mastic) and in vapor barrier materials during the 1970s and early 1980s.You should avoid disturbing the material as asbestos is hazardous when INHALED. Contact a qualified asbestos surveyor. It is not possible to identify asbestos simply by visual examination. A sample f the material in question must be properly collects and assessed by a laboratory to determine whether or not it contains asbestos.

What is an asbestos square?

An asbestos square is a square of a material that contains asbestos in it.

What is involved in ridding a home of asbestos?

You will need a certified home inspector to identify the asbestos as a problem. If it is not a problem, it is actually safer to leave it in place and seal it in with rubber or plastic. If it does need to be removed, you will again need a certified person to do it. The main thing they will have to do is to seal the area they are working in.

Difference between asbestos and non asbestos gasket?

The difference between the two is that an asbestos gasket uses asbestos as a reinforcing fiber while a non-asbestos gasket does not.

What is asbestos abatement?

Buildings were often built with materials that contained asbestos. Asbestos abatement is the removal of the asbestos, or other treatment such as encapsulation, that will prevent asbestos fibers from being released into the air.

Where can one find information on asbestos services?

For asbestos inspection, visit the Asbestos Inspection Services website. For asbestos removal, Asbestos Removal, Inc. or Alpha Environ are better choices.

What is an Asbestos leak?

There is no such thing as an asbestos leak, unless you have a container of asbestos and the container is leaking.