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Scanstate, which is used to copy the information from the old computer to a server or removable media. Loadstate, which is used to copy information to the new computer.

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Q: What are the two command promt commands in the USMT?
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What are the two commands in the usmt?

Scanstate to load on to the server and loadstateto download from the server when transfering files from one computer to another

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There are commands in database two delete data. Delete command delete the data from the table. DROP commands delete the whole table structure along with its data. To restore the deleted data we can use roll back command.There are two commands that we can use to delete the table or content of table. If we deleted wrong data by mistake , then we can restore it by using rollback command.

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MS-DOS has two kinds of command sourceInternal commands: Any command which presents within file is called internal commands. These commands does not require any external source or disk to run. Example: dir, copy, move, cd etc.External commands: Any command which presents in hard disk or outside Example: format, fdisk etc.

Merge two Excel files in DOS?

yes convert to csv then at command promt type copy *.csv all.txt rename all.txt all.csv open all.csv with xls and there you go

What are the two commnds in the USMT?

scanstate which is the machine that you are backing up from. and loadstate which is the machine that you are restoring from.

What are the two kinds of dos commands?

Command Name - the command to be carried outParameter - object the command should act onSwitch - modifies the way you carry out a command represented by a forward slash (/) and a character e.g. /FExample.:C:\book>Tree /F

If you elected to restore user data what program would the target computer use to perform the restoration?

User State Migration Tool (USMT): A set of two command-line programs, Scanstate.exe and Loadstate.exe, that installers can use to save user profile data from an existing workstation and restore that data to a newly-installed computer running Windows 7. USMT performs basically the same tasks as the wizard-based Windows Easy Transfer tool, but because it runs from the command line, it can be integrated into scripts and task sequences.

What two commands can you use from the command prompt to perform the same function as the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard?

XCopy or Copy

Where could one find the PROMT Translator online?

One can find the 'PROMT Translator' online on eBay and Amazon. Amazon is the better choice of the two stores because the quality is higher and the prices are cheaper.

What are the two basic differences between the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard and the USMT utility?

USMT tool is command line, FAST is a GUI. USMT designed for a domain, and FAST is designed for a workgroupThe Files and Settings Transfer Wizard or FAST is intended to be used by users, and it is designed to work for a workgroup. The User State Migration Tool (USMT) is designed to be used by administrators. USMT is a command-line tool that works only when the new Windows XP system is a member of Windows domain.***********************************************************************But why stop here and have to search for ALL of the Chapter 13: Reviewing the Basics answers? Why not get them all in one place? Check the last question for a helping hand!