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Freedom. You may also want to check the Declaration Of Independence.

voting citizen participation freedom to disagree right and freedom equity decisions made be representatives majority rule

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Separation of powers and federalism.

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Q: What is the principle of representative democracy?
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What is a represntive democracy?

a representative democracy is where there is a leader to look after the country. some countries that are with representative democracy's are The phillippienes, Australia, ISA, UK, Canada and Germany.

How did the first government appear?

Representative democracy is a form of government founded on the principle of elected individuals representing the people, as opposed to autocracy and direct democracy. The House of Burgesses was the first representative government.

What is representational democracy?

Is a type of a goverment where people get togeather and vote for the leader.

What is A basic principle of our system of government which maintains that all power is derived from the people is known as?

The representative democracy

What statement best reflects a primary goal of the principle of representative democracy?

legislators vote on laws on behalf of citizens.

How do you spell Representative democracy?

That is the correct spelling of "representative democracy."

Does the US have a direct democracy or a representative democracy?

Representative. We vote for people to represent us.

What democracy do you have?

representative democracy

What are the three types of Representative democracy?

what are the three types of representative democracy

A government based on a representative democracy is called a?

A republic is also called a representative democracy.

Who is the representative democracy?

Representative democracy is a democracy where the people choose a representative to represent them in the government. This representative will then vote for the things the people he represents want.

What is the name of the political principle providing that a majority of the members of a community has the power to make laws binding upon all the people?

Representative Democracy.