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The two primary reasons to use an apostrophe are within:

  • contractions
  • possessives

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Q: What are the two most common reasons for correctly using an apostrophe?
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What are the two rules for using apostrophes correctly?

If the word is singular then you put the apostrophe before the s. If it is plural then put it after the s. A word does no have a apostrophe in the possessive if it is a pronoun, example: his or hers.

A sentence using the word apostrophe?

When you select it, it removes every apostrophe in the story.

Is s' or 's plural?

Neither. The apostrophe is not used with a plural. This is a common mistake.It is not even correct to make the plural numbers using an apostrophe. For example, it is not correct to write the 1980's, but the correct form is the 1980s.

How do you decide when to add an apostrophe for plural?

If the plural noun has possession, indicate it by using an apostrophe after the S.

Should candidates have an apostrophe before the S?

No, only use an apostrophe when using a contraction or a possessive

What is a shortcut way of writing two words using an apostrophe?

A contraction is made of two words with an apostrophe. Note the apostrophe replaces a letter.

What does will not become using apostrophe?

The contraction of 'will not' is won't.

Do you need apostrophe in its?

You only use an apostrophe in it's when it is a contraction of it is. If you are using ITS to describe something belonging to IT, such as "It was wagging its tail," then the tail belongs to it and so its does not have an apostrophe.

What is a noun that shows ownership and contains an apostrophe?

A noun that shows ownership using an apostrophe is a possessive noun.

Do you use a apostrophe when signing your last name on a Christmas card?

No, unless your name has an apostrophe in it or you are using it in the possessive.

Dialectal omission of letter sounds is indicated by using a?

It is indicated by using an apostrophe.

When using the name Achilles do you use 's or s' apostrophe?

If you are indicating possession (Achilles' heal) use an apostrophe at the end of the word. If you are simply stating his name, there is no apostrophe.