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The retinal pigment epithelium and the neural retina.

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Q: What are the two parts of the retina?
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What are the three parts of the eye that are not already labeled?


How the eye works?

Your is a complex part of your body. It works the same as a camera lens it has different parts that focus and adjust. The main parts consist of the retina and the cornea. The cornea has the lenses and the retina receives the images.

Which parts of the eye are necessary for seeing?

pupil,lens,retina, optic nerve

What is eye .what are its main parts?

the parts of the eyes are corea,retina,pupil,iris,neurons, blood vessel,optic nerves,lens

What makes the human eye see in the dark?

Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells

What parts of the camera corresponds to the retina?

the film . .

How do parts of the eye help you to see?

by helping one another the iris retina brain e.t.c

What 4 main parts of the eye?

There are actually seven main parts: The Retina The Cornea The Lens The Pupil The Iris The Optic Nerve The Conjunctiva

What parts of the eye helps us see color?

Light travels through the pupil to the cones, which lie on the inside of the eye. It is these photoreceptors that allow the perception of color.

What is the layer of photoreceptors?

the retina contains the rods and cones which sense the amount of light and different colors respectively.

What is the back of the eye called?

Your Retina

What is the sensitive surface of the eye that acts like the film in a camera?

It's actually called the lens, which is in the cornea.