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a) Divergent Plate Boundaries: Divergent plate boundaries are locations where plates are moving away from one another. This occurs above rising convection currents.

b) Convergent Plate Boundaries: Convergent plate boundaries are locations where lithospheric plates are moving towards one another. The plate collisions that occur in these areas can produce earthquakes, volcanic activity and crustal deformation.

c) Transform Boundary: Transform Plate Boundaries are locations where two plates slide past one another. The fracture zone that forms a transform plate boundary is known as a transform fault. Most transform faults are found in the ocean basin and connect offsets in the mid-ocean ridges.

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12y ago

the three different types of boundaries are transform, convergent,and divergent. the convergent boundary collides and divergent is when plates divide. and transform is when they create friction

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13y ago

Destructive is when one plate sub-ducts beneath another and causes a tremor.

Constructive is when two plates push together forcing the crust upwards.

Conservative is when two plates rub against eachother.

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8y ago

Continental plate (made of light, old acid rocks and quite thick)

Oceanic plate (made of basaltic rocks, young and quite thin).

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3. Constuctional- move away from each over. Destuctional- move towards each over Forgot last one.

What are the 3 types of plate boundarys?

divergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move apart from each other. convergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move towards each other so that one plate can sink beneath the other. transform plate boundary- a boundary where one plate slips along side another plate.

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Fault lines.

What are the 3 kinds of plate boundaries?

Convergent divergent transform,

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The names of the three different plate boundaries are: Convergent, Divergent, and Transform.

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Divergent, Convergent, and Transform

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The 3 types of plate boundaries that occur is the spreading boundary, fracture boundary, and the colliding boundary.

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The Are Seven Primary Plates, so there cannot be only Five Boundaries, I know the tectonic Plates are The 1. African Plate 2. Antarctic Plate 3. Eurasian Plate 4. Indo-Australian Plate 5. North American Plate 6. Pacific Plate 7. South American Plate There Are Three Basic types of boundary; Divergent, Convergent and Transform boundaries Hopefull somebody can tell you all their names of the boundaires between them because these different Plates will me touching two or More Plates hence a lot of different boundaries

Three types of plate boundaries?

Convergent (or destructive): Where two plates are moving toward each other. Collisions between oceanic plates results in subduction of the more dense plate. Collisions between an oceanic plate and a continental plate may result in the subduction of the oceanic plate because oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates. Collisions between two continental plates results in uplift and mountain formation where neither plate subducts.Divergent (or constructive): Where two plates are moving away from each other. Divergent plate boundaries are the site of new crust formation, particularly at the mid-ocean ridges, where spreading plates are infilled with basaltic magma from the asthenosphere.Transform (or conservative): Where two plates slide (actually 'grind') alongside each other and neither plate subducts. Earthquakes are common at transform faults due to the grinding and snapping movements of the plates as they move.

What are types of plate boundaries?

The 3 general types are constructive, destructive, and conservative boundaries. Constructive (divergent) - plates move away from each other, typically creating a rift Destructive (convergent) - one plate will be subducted, or continental plates collide Conservative (transform) - plates grind past each other, stalling and slipping

What boundaries are the 3 types of volcanoes located on?

Divergent and convergent plate boundaries. You can look up more info on google.

What is the 3 types of tectonic plate motion?

There are 3 primary types of Tectonic Plate boundaries: Divergent boundaries; Covergent boundaries; and Transform boundaries. As the giant plates move, diverging [pulling apart] or converging [coming together] along their borders, tremendous energies are unleashed resulting in tremors that transform Earth's surface. While all the plates appear to be moving at different relative speeds and independently of each other, the whole jigsaw puzzle of plates is interconnected.