

What are the types of clouds found in a cold front?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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black clouds and feathered clouds

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Q: What are the types of clouds found in a cold front?
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What kind of clouds are likely to from at the edge of this front?

It really depends on the type of front. There are two types of fronts, warm and cold. Different types of clouds appear at different points as the front passes over head.

What kind of clouds are found along cold front?

Cb or cumulonimbus clouds form at the cold font associated with heavy showers, followed by cumulus (Cu) clouds. A cold front forms when a more dense, warm air mass over a departing cold air mass

Why do you often see clouds along a cold front?

clouds are left from the warm front

Which front causes cumulonimbus clouds?

A cold front

What types of weather would usually follow a cold front?

Thunderstorms would usually follow a cold front because the warm air rises and condenses into clouds. As well as big thunderstorms, in the winter when you have a cold front, you have a giant snowfall.

Why are clouds often along a cold front?

well clouds often form after a cold front because it is the right weather for a rainy cloud

Stratus clouds may be associated with what kind of front?

cold front

What type of front is approaching if you see cirrus clouds high in the sky EXPLAIN how you know?

Cirrus clouds are followed by an approaching warm front.

When combined does the different types of clouds cause a cold front?

Not always. Although many cumulnimbus clouds are associated with cold fronts, some form along dry lines or, lest often, warm fronts. Some form without any sort of front or organized weather system.

Do Tall storm clouds form a cold front?

They don't form one, but they signal an oncoming cold front.

What type of clouds are cold front ones?

Cumulonimbus and Cumulus

What type of clouds are formed during a cold front?
