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useful because of magnifying objects.

hope it helps :D

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magnifying objects

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Magnifying objects

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because of magnifying objects.

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Q: The wavelike properties of electrons are useful in?
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magnify glass
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Can a particle be diffracted?

Yes, a particle can be diffracted. Some of these are electrons and neutrons .This is a quantum mechanics theory stating that particles can exhibit wavelike properties.

Since electrons exhibit wavelike repeated motion?

Electrons are subatomic particles. Since electrons exhibit wavelike repeated motion, they tend to follow the same path around an atom.

What useful instrument takes advantage of the wave properties of electrons?

The Electron Microscope

What does an electron cloud hold?

An electron cloud surrounding an atom is a visualization tool to allow for the discussion of atomic proberties. Since electrons behave with wavelike properties, the "cloud" is a representaion of the probability density of the electron's wavefunctions.

This describes the wavelike behaviour of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom.?

You think probable to a wave function.

What is the discontinuity of matter?

Matter is discontinous and broken. It is composed of tiny discrete particles called atoms. These atoms are held together by strong attractive forces called bonds--this is what gives matter its appearance of continuity. This is the foundation for the dual nature of light. Just as Louis DeBroglie explains...matters such as base ball and soccer ball are two big to exhibit wavelike properties that's why their particulate properties are observed. And, particles such as elctrons, light, and energy are too small to exhibit particulate properties that's why their wavelike properties are observed. Hence: light, energy and electrons are all kinds of matter. Gideon Ifianayi Professor of Chemistry

What part of speech is the word wavelike?

Wavelike is an adjective.

Acids give soaps their useful properties?

Nope, bases actually gives soaps their useful properties.

What are the properties of electrons?


What is the significance of valence number?

Valance numbers represent the least number of electrons that particular atom needs to be fulfilled, or have a complete outer shell, and is useful when determining bonding properties.

Is wavelike a pronoun?

No, the word 'wavelike' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as having some properties or characteristics of a wave. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. Example: The underwater filtration system creates a wavelike motion on top of the water. (adjective, describes the noun 'motion') It makes the lily pads appear to dance. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'motion' in the previous sentence)

What parts of an atom determine its chemical properties?

Electrons determine the chemical properties of an atom.