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Q: What are the zeros for F of X equals X cubed plus 2X squared minus 11x minus 12?
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-2, 1.74 and 0.46

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Use (-b + or - sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) A is 10 B is -9 C is -6

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If you are looking for the zeros of this function: x = -2 plus or minus 2 X the square root of 5.

What is the biggest cubed number?

10 raise to 1and100 zeros

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1 billion has 9 zeros.

One million equals how many thousands?

1,000,000 = 1000 thousands. 1,000,000 divided by 1000 equals 1000. The trick is to add up the Zeros on the number. E.G: 10,000 (4 Zeros) multiplied by 1,000 (3 Zeros) equals 10,000,000 (7 Zeros)

F of x equals x squared has how many zeros?

Think about it:f(x) = 0x2 = f(x)Thus:x2 = 0x = 0There is only one root after extracting root.

These values are also called because they are the values at which the equation equals zero?

zeros values at which an equation equals zero are called roots,solutions, or simply zeros. an x-intercept occurs when y=o ex.) y=x squared - 4 0=(x-2)(x+2) (-infinity,-2)(-2,2) (2,infinity)

What is number with 300 zeros?

A googol cubed is the smallest and 10 times that is just too large.

How many zeros in on half million?

500,000 equals half a million and so there are 5 zeros in it.

How do you factor 2x squared minus 77x plus 119?

2x^2-77x+119 It is not factorable if you are looking for integral factors (whole numbers). You might be able to use the quadratic formula if you wish to solve for the zeros (x-intercepts) of it.

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