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Q: What are things called that they have to kill be for they kill Voldemort?
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How did Voldemort kill Viktor Krum?

Voldemort didn't kill him, nor did anybody else.

What are the things that want to kill harry on harry pottor?

Voldemort, Deatheaters, and in a few of the books Dementors

Does Harry Potter have to kill himself to kill Voldemort?

no. he almost dies, but then pretends to be dead while Voldemort tortures him and eventually kills Voldemort.

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What happens when harry finds out he is the 6th horcrux?

He decides to let Voldemort kill him, but all Voldemort did was kill a part of himself. Neville killed Nagini and Harry killed Voldemort with Expelliarmus

Did Harry Potter kill Lord Voldemort in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

Yes, he does kill Lord Voldemort in the end of Deathly Hallows.

Why did Voldemort kill cedric diggory?

Lord Voldemort didn't actually know or care who Cedric Diggory was. Cedric ended up in the graveyard by mistake and Voldemort didn't want to leave any loose ends, so ordered Wormtail to "kill the spare".

Why is Voldemort wants to kill muggle borns in the 2nd book?

Voldemort didn't just want to kill Muggle-borns in the second book. He had always wanted to kill them. The reason is because his father, who was a Muggle-born, left Voldemort's mother pregnant. Voldemort's mother was a witch, but after falling in love with Voldemort's father, she gave up all her powers. After that, when Voldemort realised that he was a wizard, he looked down to Muggle-borns.

How did Voldemort kill Harry Potters parents?

Voldemort used the Killing Curse: 'Avada Kedavra'

Does harry potter kill Voldemort in deathly hollows?

Voldemort's own spell kills himself.

Does Voldemort kill Dummbledore?

Nope, he doesn't

did harry potter kill Voldemort?
