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Athletes foot and ringworms are two

A yeast infection makes three (yeast is a simple one cell fungus)

Candida makes four

Thrush makes five

Tinea versicolor makes six

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Q: What are three diseases you can get from fungus?
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What is all the fungus that causes diseases?


What human disease is caused by fungus?

There are many human diseases that are caused by fungus, some commonly known diseases caused by fungi are jock itch, ringworm and athlete's foot. There are other uncommon diseases caused by fungus and one that I can name of is called Favus.

What were the diseases in the trench war?

trench foot when water forms fungus from being constantly submerged and the fungus eats your feet

What are the three examples of saprotrophs?

Three examples of Saprotrohs are: Fungus

What is mutation diseases?

When the DNA of the Bacterium or fungus has mutated to be resistant to Antibiotics and has reproduced.

Does penicillin kill fungus-caused diseases?

No. Penicillin only kills bacteria.

What doctor do you see for a toenail fungus?

A Podiatrist ... a doctor who is highly educated in diseases of the foot.

Do children between 13 to 17 have toenail fungus or can they have toenail fungus?

There is no age limit or required age to have a toenail fungus. It is usually caused by poor hygiene and infections. So if you do not take care of your body properly especially your foot chances are high that you could get diseases like toenail fungus.

What are three examples of contagious diseases?

There are more than three contagious diseases. The top three contagious diseases are flu, HIV and Ebola.

What are three places that you would find fungus?


What three diseases caused by bactira?

There isn't just specifically three diseases caused by bacteria.

Is aspergillosis caused by fungus?

Aspergillosis is the name given to a wide variety of diseases caused by infection by fungi of the genus Aspergillus.