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Here is the whole thing:

Lets pretend we are going to use the number:


  • 1. get the numbers that are most important, which are: 12,645
  • 2. see how many times you have to move the decimal point to make the number greater than 1 but less than 10. It would be like this:

start with: 12645

then move the decimal point over to the left 4 times, making it: 1.2645. this number is greater than 1 but less than 10.

  • the number of times you moved your decimal point is your exponent of ten in the scientific notation. like this:

since you moved the decimal point 4 times, the scientific notation of this number is going to be your number-1.2645- times ten to the 4th power -104-

So your number is now in scientific notation: 1.2645x104




To make your scientific notation standard notation, do the following:

1. look at your number: 5.8438x105

2. move the decimal point over to the right whatever your exponent is: 5-8-4-3-8-0

3. your new number should be: 584,380


When your decimal reaches the end of your number, keep going! like this:

if the decimal point was here: 8.95 and you need to move it over 6 times, keep going! it should look like this:


so your decimal point would be 3 0's back and look like this:


There you go!

Read more: What_are_the_rules_in_changing_scientific_notation_to_standard_notation_and_standard_notation_to_scientific_notation

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11y ago
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12y ago

Scientific notation is composed of three parts called the "coefficient" (or "significand"), the "base" and the "exponent". Numerically, the base is always the number 10 (ten). In the general form:-

a x 10b

a is the coefficient (or significand)

10 (ten) is the base

b is the exponent

Thus, the number 103000 can be expressed in scientific notation as:-

103 x 103

10.3 x 104

1.03 x 105

and all of these have the same numerical value. By convention, and for ease of recognition, it is common practice to use exponents that are multiples of 3 e.g.

103 106 109

The exponent can also be negative to express very small quantities e.g.

1 x 10-6

is the same as 0.000001, or one millionth.

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10y ago

1) Move the decimal until your number appears to be between 1 and 10 count the spaces that you move the decimal.

2) use the number of spaces as the exponent of 10 (the base)

3) if the original number was greater than 10, the exponent is positive, if the original number was less than 1 then the exponent is negative.

EX: 250,000 becomes 2.5 x 105

but 0.0025 becomes 2.5 x 10-3

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10y ago

All coefficients must be some number, n, so that n is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10. 10 is always the base. All exponents of 10 are integers representing whether to divide or multiply by 10 to restore the number to 'unscientific' notation.

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13y ago

the two parts of the scientific notation are: the digit term and exponential term. digit term are also known as coefficient and the exponential term are consists of base and exponent.

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12y ago

In the standard form, the mantissa (the part before the "x 10") must be between 1 and 10, including 1, but not including 10.

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