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To get to Asia so they can earn silk, and then sell it to get rich.

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Q: What are three reasons why Spain and Portugal wanted to find a sea route to Asia?
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Why Spain and Portugal wanted to find a SEA ROUTE to Asia?

They wanted to find a faster, less expansive, route.

Was Spain the first nation to find sea route from Europe to east Asia?

No, it was Portugal.

Was Spain the first nation to find a sea route from Europe to east Asia?

No, it was Portugal.

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He wanted to find a new route to Asia.

Was Portugal the leading country in search for a sea route to Asia?

One of the two, the other was Spain

What European country first began looking for a sea route to India?

Spain?? But Portugal beat them to it . . .

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Cause he wanted to find a new route from portugal to the east

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Name 4 reasons why Columbus wanted to make a sea voyage?

Christopher Columbus wanted to make a sea voyage because he wanted to find a new ocean route to the Indes, to be famous and to spread Christianity to new people. He also wanted to be famous and earn riches for himself and for Spain.

Why did Catholic countries such as Portugal wish to find an ocean route to the African coasts?

As a Christian country, Portugal wanted to avoid land routes controlled by Muslims.

Why did he sail from Spain to north America?

because he wanted to find a trade route to Asia

Who was the first country to seek a water route to Asia?

The country france was the first country to seek a water route to asia