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universal indicator will give you the PH of a substance no matter what PH it, phenolphthalein will turn pink in an acidic solution and will remain colourless in a basic or litmus paper which will turn blue in basic conditions and red in acidic conditions. alternatively you could just use a digital PH meter

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Q: What are three substances that determine if a substance is acidic or basic?
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How is pH connected to acids and bases?

The pH number determines if the substance is acidic or basic. Numbers 1-6 determine acidic substances, 1 being the most acidic. Numbers 8-14 determine basic substances, 14 being the most basic. 7 is neutral. (:

Why are acidic substances lower in pH value than basic substances?

because the substance is high on pH value because the substance is high on pH value

What does the pH paper value mean?

pH paper will determine if a substance has basic or acidic qualities.

Why do some plant materials change color in the presence of acidic or basic substances?

This is how they react to the substances. Sometimes the substances that are inside the plant will react in an unusual way with the substance.

What is an example of and neutral substance and a basic substance?

neutral substances are natural in nature whereas basic substances are basic .

What to do if yiu get corrosive substance on your work surface?

Corrosive substance can be removed with contrasting pH substances. Because corrosive substances are acidic or low on the pH scale, the solution to remove them needs to be high in the pH scale, or basic. Ammonia is an example of a basic solution.

A solution with pH value of 6 or 5 which will be more acidic and why?

The substances with pH 5 is more acidic since it contains more H+ ions. As the pH goes down the substance becomes more acidic and as it goes up the substance becomes more basic.

What tells how acidic or basic a substance is?

The Ph

Is medicne acid or alkali?

Normally medicines are not highly acidic or basic. They are mainly weakly acidic or basic substances or salt of weakly acidic or basic substances. Only a few drugs are acidic or basic.The properties of the medicines are depends on the route of administration and target area of the drug.

What does pH balanced mean?

Being pH balanced means that the substance has a neutral pH of 7. This means that there are equal amounts and strengths of acidic and basic substances.

Is cronium chloride acidic or basic?

Neither - there is no such substance.

At what pH is a substance an acid or a base?

The pH is measure from 1 to 14. so, from 1 to 6.9 the substance is acidic. and from 7.01 to 14 the substance is basic. 7 is neutral. The closer the substance is to 7 it is either basic or acidic. As the number is lower the substance is more acidic for example: pH 2.9 is more acidic than pH 4.8