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Ancient Greece has given us democracy. They have also given us Theatre. Ancient Greece has also given us ideas in structural integrity.

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Q: What are three things that ancient Greek culture has given modern culture?
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How does Greece culture effect everyday life?

.Modern or Ancient Greek? If ancient, they invented democracy for starters,

What does Classical culture refer to?

Ancient Greek and Roman cultures and texts

What are Hellenes?

Hellenic Studies focus on Greek culture, ancient, Medieval and modern, including Greek immigrant communities abroad.

What are Hellenic Studies?

Hellenic Studies focus on Greek culture, ancient, Medieval and modern, including Greek immigrant communities abroad.

Greek culture Vs Todays Culture what do they have in common?

there is games almost same religion We derive many aspects of our modern western culture from the ancient Greeks. Democracy, for instance, was born in ancient Greece. Some would also argue that modern ideas about beauty are directly attributable to ancient Greek sculpture and the Greeks idealization of the human body.

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What do modern people call the ancient Greek language?

Modern people call the language of ancient Greece Ancient Greek.

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Ancient greek culture vs todays culture?

Ancient Greek culture was very different from today's culture. For example, the Greeks would take slaves, which is not very widespread in today's western culture.

What language do the Spartans speak?

The ancient Spartans spoke Dorian Greek, a dialect of ancient Greek language. Modern Spartans, like most other modern Greeks, speak modern Greek with the usual regional variations. ..

What are the most important cultures in modern Greece?

The predominant culture in modern Greece is the Greek culture. It has strong influences from Western European secularism, the Mediterranean lifestyle, Ancient Greek culture and history, and Greek Orthodox Christianity. There are minority groups in Greece, like Albanians, Bulgarians, and Romanians, but they are not terribly important in the national culture because ethnic Greeks are over 90% of the national population.

What was ancient greek currency used for?

Same things modern currency is used for. Exchange of goods and services.