

What are tomatoes energy source?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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10y ago

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Tomato plants, like all plants, get their energy from sunlight.

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Q: What are tomatoes energy source?
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Tomatoes do contain lecithin. Tomatoes are excellent sources of multiple vitamins that are very beneficial for a person. Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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They are high in vitamin C

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The term clean source of energy refers to only primary energy sources as wind or solar energy. Electricity, by definition, is not a primary energy source. It is a secondary energy source that is could be produced by a clean energy source as wind or any renewable primary energy source or produced by fossil energy source as oil, natural gas, or coal.

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It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.

Are tomatoes polysaccharides?

Yes, tomato contains carbohydrate. For the carbohydrate content of tomatoes (small, medium and large), please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.The much simplified definition of a carbohydrate is a component of living cells (such as plants) that is a source of energy to animals or humans. Because tomatoes fit this definition, then a tomato is a carbohydrate.

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no its a renewable source of energy

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Is tomatoes renewable resource?

A renewable source is stuff that you can re-use because it is replaced naturally or because it is always there, like sunlight or water. Tomatoes as a species is a renewable source, because in nature the tomato plant always grows new tomatoes. Individual tomatoes are non-renewable: once you put them in a salad and eat them, you can't use them again.