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standing on the ground, which is also pushing against the ground...that is one.

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Q: What are two examples of gravitational forces in your life?
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related to or produced by a machine and/or gravitational and kinetic forces, two examples being rollup doors and fansrelated to or produced by a machine and/or gravitational and kinetic forces, two examples being rollup doors and fans

By giving daily life examples explain how gravitational force is the weakest force?

It's hard to give "daily life examples" when two of the four fources (the weak force, and the strong force) are not encountered in "daily life". The comparison that is usually done is comparing the magnitude of the forces between two subatomic particles.

What are the forces between two planets?

center forces and gravitational forces

Are gravity and magnetism examples of contact forces?

They're both great examples of NON-contact forces. Two objects do NOT needto be touching in order to be affected by gravitational or magnetic forces.

What are the two gravitational forces?

gravity and obesity

What are two examples of gravitational force in your daily life?

We are actually finding this gravitational force during the every moment in the life time. If we had no gravitational force, we must have been flying in the air. The 2 examples are:-When we throw a ball in the air air, it returns to the ground.When we shoot a ball in the net, falls down again.

Which two forces act on you when you stand on ice?

Normal force & Gravitational forces are acting on you.

What are two effects that forces have on motion?

inertia and gravitational pull

What can Gravitational forces do?

Two differentiated masses can attract by gravitational force.It gives a relative term for force,weight.

What is the force of atraction between two atoms?

Gravitational and electrical forces.

What are two forces that you can compare and contrast?

gravitational force & electrostatic force.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects if the mass of one of the objects is decreased?

The gravitational forces between two objects are proportional to the productof the two masses. So if either mass decreases and the distance between theobjects doesn't change then the gravitational forces between them also decrease.