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While in the process of making a good and strong password, one should ensure that it is easy to remember but contains both upper and lower case letters. The password should also contain numbers and special characters.

password should not be easy to guess.

password should be a combination of letters, numbers, and non-alphanumeric. password should use at least eight characters

Include numbers, symbols, upper and lowercase letters in passwords. Avoid any password based on repetition, letter, number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names.

You can also use a good password manager. There are many tools out there, take your pick. I use a free VeriSign secured tool called Billeo to manage my passwords. It safely stores my passwords and saves the hassle of writing them down.

Two Important criteria for good, secure passwords include:

  • Whenever possible, use at least 14 characters or more
  • The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.

There are many important criteria but if I had to pick just two?

  1. Not a common use word or something associated with you. Ergo, not your birthday or your wife's name or your favorite dog. Not your social security number or Medical ID or anything some one would be able find out in surprisingly little time.
  2. Long and random. Make a mnemonic string. This helps make the password more "nasty" and also keeps you from forgetting the longer password.
For example..
  • "I took my future wife to the beach where I asked her to marry me."
Would become..
  • "1tkmyftrw1f32th3be@chf0rmaRr1@g3" Or what have you.

Some form of strings you can remember. You could also use the first letters like..

  • "itmfw2tbwiah2mm" is a rather strong password.
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