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There is less gravity than on earth.

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Q: What are two reasons why a rocket weighs less in orbit than it did on earth before take off?
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before nibiru is coming fly by rocket and escape from earth

Why is it so difficult to go from earth into outer space?

the large gravitational pull of the earth keeps things on the ground and what is needed in space weighs a lot including food water and rocket fuel. another thing is that rocket fuel is very expensive (about 70 bucks a gallon) it takes a lot of rocket fuel to get supplies into space

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astronauts leave earth by the liftoff of the space shuttle and rockets, it is called force of the rocket. The engine starts and liquid fuel comes out of the rocket and pushes them up.

How people get in space?

Via a rocket. They are blasted up and then they float around a bit before coming back to earth.

Rocket A travels with speed 0.800c relative to the earth Rocket B passes rocket A with speed 0.500c relative to rocket A Determine the speed of rocket B relative to the earth Assume that the earth?

0.929c formula is: vbe =( vae +vba )/(1+( vae *vba )/c2 )

How the rocket travells outside the earth?

Issac Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.A working rocket ejects a small amount of exaust at a very high velocity. The "equal and opposite reaction" is that the rocket moves in the opposite direction although at less speed than the exaust because the rocket "weighs" more.Yes, it is "rocket science" but it is fairly painless.I feel i should add that this answer could be "marked wrong" for many reasons but it is the best i can do without dragging Calculus and Mechanics into it.Most vocational education colleges provide courses in "O Level" Physics that will explain this and many other wonderful things.

How does a rocket reenter the earth atmosphere?

The Earth's atmosphere is just gas, just like an airplane can get through clouds, a rocket can get through the Earth's atmosphere.

What are the steps for launching satellites?

first stage: engine of the rocket is put on. second stage: lower part of the rocket splits. then the main part of the rocket enters the space and revolve around the earth.

An object that weighs how 30 lb on earth weighs how many pounds on the moon?

an object that weighs 30 ib on earth weighs how many pounds on the moon

What stops a rocket from leaving the earth?

The Earth's Gravitational field

What is the mass of an object that weighs 39.2N on earth?

The mass of an object that weighs 39.2N on earth is 4kg

How does a single stage rocket get off the earth?

I have heard of a single stage rocket ever being able to escape Earth's gravity.