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Q: What are ways a christians leaders are temted to be more interested on gaining power than giving service?
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By the time of the persecutions, the Christians were a large force in the empire. Now the early Christians were not the white robed, gentle faced lambs that Holloywood would have you believe. They were a clannish group that aggressively tried to recruit converts. It was because of their formentig civil unrest and their refusal to give even lip service to the gods for the good of the empire that they were considered enemies of the state, in particular their leaders.

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Marketing - is the act of promoting a business, product or service... with the aim of gaining more income.

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The reasons people would be interested in a customer service position is because they like working with people. They might also love the challenge of the job and the work experience.

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There is no jungle in the UK. The only time Christians might pray at midnight is at the midnight service on Christmas Eve/Day

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