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Supreme Court.

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Q: What article deals with judicial branch of the government?
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What article deals with the judial branch of government in the constitution?

article 3 deals with the judicial branch of the government

What article matches the judicial branch?

Article 3 deals with the judicial branch.

Which topics do articles 1 2 and 3 of the constitution cover?

Article One of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. Article Two creates the executive branch of the government, consisting of the President, the Vice President, and other executive officers and staffers appointed by the President, including the Cabinet. Article Three establishes the judicial branch of the federal government.

Article III deals with which branch?

Article I of the united states constitution deals specifically with the judicial branch of the united states. in this branch, judges carry out laws that are passed on to their branch. after this, they send it to the president, who can either veto it or declare it a national lawfor all people in the united states.

What branch did article 3 set up?

Article Three of the United States Constitution outlines the judicial branch, one of the three branches of the U.S. government. The other two are the executive branch, and the legislative branch.

Which aricle deals with the judicial branch?

The 3rd article in the Constitution specifies the Judicial Branches powers.

What is article three of the constitution about?

Article III of the Constitution of the United States of America outlines the powers of the Judiciary. It covers Judicial Authority, Scope of Judicial Authority and Treason.

What article deals with legislative power?

The Constitution of the United States of America is made up of a preamble and seven articles. It is the first article that defines the powers and limits of the Legislative branch of the government. The second article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Executive branch of government, and the third article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Judicial branch of government.

What branch does article 3 define?

The US Presidency is described in Article II.

Article 1 in the constitution deals with what branch of the government?


What does the article of the constitution establish?

Article III of United States constitution deals with judicial branch, judicial powers and the definition and punishment of treason. It defines the structure of judicial branch, tenures of judges, issue of salaries of judges and number of courts.

What branch of government does article one two and three cover?

Article 1 deals with the Legislative Branch, the US Congress.