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You think probable to praseodymium (141Pr).

Isotopes of other elements have also the same mass number.

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Q: What atomic symbol has mass number of 141?
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- calculate the molecular mass of the substance from the atomic weights of the contained elements - 1 molecule gram of any substance contain 6,023 141 79.1023 molecules (Avogadro number) - mass of a single molecule is: Molecular mass in grams/Avogadro number

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Atomic weight of fluorine = 6,022 141 78.1023 (Avogadro number) . 266,889 (the mass of atoms)/8,46.1024 (the number of atoms). The IUPAC 2005 atomic weight of fluorine is 18,998 403 2(5).

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A mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many atoms, molecules, ions, or other elementary units as the number of atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12. The number is 6.0225 × 1023, or Avogadro's number. Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance.

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For this you need the atomic (molecular) mass of NaCl. Take the number of grams and divide it by the atomic mass. Multiply by one mole for units to cancel. NaCl=58 grams 25.0 grams NaCl / (58 grams) = .431* moles NaCl *approximation

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To find the mass of an atom you divide the constant known as Avagadro's number 6.022X10^23 by the amu of an element. So lets take oxygen for example. The amu of Oxygen is " 15.99" , so you would divide 15.99 by 6.022X10^23. By doing this you will get the mass of one Oxygen atom.

What is your mass in kilograms if you weigh 141 pounds?

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