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The universe did not exist before the Big Bang. There was nothing there. It can be hard to grasp for young minds.

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Q: What best describes the universe before the Big Bang for a k12 student?
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In the big bang theory what describes a universe that will stop expanding and begin to contract?

A closed Universe.

How was the very small and very hot universe bubble born before Big Bang?

It wasn't. The Big Bang was the beginning of the universe; the universe didn't exist before then.

How the temperature of the Universe dropped after the Big Bang?

The big bang was the BEGINNING of the universe so there was no temperature before it :P

Is there any chance to occur the big bang without universe?

Our concept of the "big bang" has no explanation about how or why, but our hypothesis is that there was NOTHING before the Big Bang created the universe.

What was before the big bang theory?

Before the Big Bang theory, many scientists believed that the universe was static, or infinitely unchanging.

What is the guess about the time before the Big Bang?

The concept of time "before" the Big Bang is currently not well-understood by scientists and is still a topic of ongoing research and debate. The Big Bang theory describes the origin of the universe as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, that expanded and cooled rapidly, giving rise to the observable universe. However, the laws of physics as we know them today break down at the singularity, and our current understanding of the universe only extends back to a few fractions of a second after the Big Bang. There are various speculative theories and hypotheses about what may have happened before the Big Bang, but they are mostly speculative and not yet supported by strong evidence. Some of these theories suggest that our universe may have emerged from a previous universe, or that the Big Bang was the result of a collision between multiple universes in a higher-dimensional space. Overall, the question of what happened before the Big Bang remains one of the most challenging and unresolved questions in modern cosmology.

What exist before bangs?

according to me , minakshi one universe exist before the big bang .

Where does everything derive from?

In our Universe, ultimately everything started with the Big Bang. We don't know what came before that... or if there even was a "before".

How old was the universe when the big bang thory happened?

Events in the Universe are often dated from the Big Bang. But the fact is, NOBODY KNOWS what (if anything) happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang MAY have been the start of time itself; but it is possible that the Universe existed (in some form) forever in the past.

Is the sun older than the universe?

No. The sun exists as inside the universe and was created after the big bang. Nothing (that we know of) existed before the universe.

How did the universe begin according to the best scientific theories?

The universe began approximately 13.7 billion years ago. The big bang theory describes how the universe was created, and began to expand rather rapidly.

What was here before your universe?

actually there was nothing before our universe . suddenly there was a big blast called big bang and matter came into extistance. hope satisfied you.