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its wngs.

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Q: What body part helps a bee move?
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When a bee buzz which part of its body vibrates?

the wings vibrate "bee"cause they move

What body part did the bee use when they eat?

their tongue?

How many body part does a bee have?

Like all insects, a bee has three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen.

Which part of the bee helps to collect nectar from flower?

It's tongue.

Which body part does a scout bee move from side to side when the bee performs a waggle dance?

All of its body. The waggle dance is comprised of a sequence of movements done on a surface in the colony which denotes to the other bees the direction and distance of a source of nectar or pollen that it has found.

What does the bee eat when it goes into a flower?

Actually, the bee doesn't eat all that much at a flower. Yes, it eats the nectur, but it also move pollen to and from flowers, and that helps them grow.

Why you are applying baking soda in the body part where the bee string?

The enzymes in bee venom are deactivated by the baking soda so that the pain is reduced.

How does bee's move?

They have wings that move and propel them

What is the bees abdomen for?

it is for the wings and legs to be, and to be a part of the body. The bee has three parts of it's body the ''abdomen ''thorax and the ''stinger. is that right?

Does the pollen basket of a bee part collect nectar?

The pollen baskets on a honey bee are specifically for pollen. The bee collects nectar with its tongue and stores it in a sac within its body to transport it back to the hive.

What insect has 6 legs and it stings?

A bug that has 3 body parts and 6 legs and antennae is called an insect. The insect you're talking about with a striped lower Body Part is probably a bee, or a wasp.

What part of the bee does the pollen stick to?

its legs because there hairy which helps the pollen stick to them