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Darwin noticed that birds of the same species had developed different beaks over time when they were isolated into different sections of the island. The different beaks helped each bird eat more depending on the diet of that specific bird.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

A variety of parts of dinosaurs are similar to those of birds, particularly in the theropod dinosaurs. Among the most similar body parts are the feet and the arms, particularly in a group of theropods called maniraptorans.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

both of their backbones are very similar like, but, many scientists don't know if it really is related to birds

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Q: What part of the skeleton supports the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs?
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What part of Sue the Tyrannosaurus rex's skeleton supports the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs?

All Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs, including Sue, have hollow bones, as birds do now, and their skulls have two opening in the front of their eyes, also like birds.T.rex has only three digits on each limb, which is the same as birds, and they are bi-pedal just like birds.

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Theory of evolution

What theory do birds have that evovled from dinosaurs?

The theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs is based on significant fossil evidence. Before the first birds, small, feathered dinosaurs that could glide from tree to tree existed. They had many of the same skeletal traits of modern birds, including wishbones. To learn more about the evidence and the theory, visit the related link.

Behavior of the dinosaurs?

In theory Dinosaurs most likely behaved in a similar manner to modern animals (predators hunted prey, prey ran from predators, Dinosaurs reproduced, dinosaurs evolved). A Dinosaurs ultimate goal was to survive and pass on it's genes. In short a dinosaurs followed the basic principles of nature today.

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its when you have dinosaurs on the west side of Africa and fossils of dino's on the east side of south america.... yepp thats how it is.

How fossils distribution supports the theory of continental drift?

its when you have dinosaurs on the west side of Africa and fossils of dino's on the east side of south america.... yepp thats how it is.

How is biogeography different then Darwin's theory?

It's not. Actually, biogeography, the geographic arrangement of convergent and divergently evolved species supports the theory of evolution by natural selection. Wallace, who really developed bio-geographic theory, first noticed this event well and incorporated it into his theory of evolution by natural selection, but this phenomenon did not escape Darwin's notice either.

What are the basic priciples behind the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is quite simple. The principle behind it states that every living being on Earth today came from a species that is now extinct. Over millions of years, each species has undergone evolution and has changed them to make them able to live in today's world. For example, humans evolved from a gibbon species and birds evolved from dinosaurs.

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Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms evolved from past organisms.

What theory does support the dinosaurs disappeared?

an asteroid hit

Why can't the Stuck in the mud theory for Coelophysis Dinosaurs be true?

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What theory is based on the premise that the state evolved from the family?

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