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the respiratory system im not kidding u will die

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Q: What body system would be effected by removal of the thyroid gland?
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Which body system is effected by the removal of the throid gland?

Removal of thyroid gland does not affect single body system. Thyroid gland regulates basal metabolic rate.

What is the definition of excision of the thyroid gland?

Excision means surgical removal, so excision of the thyroid gland, or thyroidectomy, is surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid.

What is the meaning of thyroidectomy?

Removal of the thyroid gland.

What is the difference between a thyroidectomy hemi-thyroidectomy and para-thyroidectomy?

Thyroidectomy is the removal of the thyroid hemithyroidectomy is the removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland parathyroidectomy is the removal of one or more lobes of the parathyroid which is behind the thyroid gland.

What system is your thyroid in?

The thyroid gland is under the command of of your pituitary gland, which is part of your endocrine system

What does thyroidectomized mean?

Thyroidectomy is removal or partial removal of the Thyroid gland. The surgical terminology suffix "-ectomy" was taken from Greek εκ-τομια = "act of cutting out"

Why do you have thyroidectomy?

The removal of the thyroid gland ( thyroidectomy ) is usually indicated for conditions such as hypercalcemia, hyperthyriodism, enlarged thyroid gland, and/or thryroid tumors.

Which is the endocrine gland?

The largest gland in the endocrine system is the Thyroid Gland.

What is the system of the thyroid gland?


What organ system is the thyroid gland in?

The thyroid gland is under the command of of your pituitary gland, which is part of your endocrine system

Which is the largest endocrine gland?

The largest gland in the endocrine system is the Thyroid Gland.

How can surgery cause hypothyroidism?

Removal of the thyroid gland because of cancer or other thyroid disorders can result in hypothyroidism.