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Legislative ....... Or maybe judicial......... But probably executive....

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Q: What branch of government confirms all appointments?
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What branch confirms all cabinets appointments?

Legislative Branch

Which branch confirms all appointments to the supreme court?


What branch of government confirms nominees to the supreme court?

The Legislative Branch of the United States government is the one that can confirm Presidential appointments. The Senate can sometimes hold a hearing to debate the issue and ask questions of the appointees before making a decision.

Does legislative government have more power than executive?

Actually it is an interdependence. All three parts of the government has checks on the other parts. The legislature confirms appointments but the executive carries out the laws with these appointments. The judicial interprets the laws carried out by the executive and made by the legislative.

Which branch has the power to approve supreme court appointments?

Congress must approve all appointments.

What branch must approve all supreme court appointments?

The Legislateive branch must aprove all of Supreme Court appointments

Which branch must approve all Supreme appointments?

The legislative branch

What branch of the US government appoints all judges and makes treaties?

The legislative branch (US Congress) more specifically the US Senate, must confirm all appointments to Federal judgeships, and ratify all international treaties.

Who must approve all appointments made by the governor?

The executive branch doesn’t approve governors voters do. Each state votes for their government.

What are the powers to the legislative branch?

The legislative branch can impeach federal officials and can initiate revenue bills. The President can also be elected by the legislative branch if there is an electoral vote tie. They also ratify treaties and confirm the President's appointments.

Is the legislative branch the most important branch of the government?

they are all the same no branch is the important they all are

What branch of government is Ohio's supreme court?

All US courts are part of the Judicial branch of the government.