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The Ancient Egyptians used pyramids to help them prepare for the afterlife.

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Q: What building did the ancient Egyptians use to help them prepare for the afterlife?
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How did the Shang and Egyptians prepare for the afterlife in the same ways?

In fact they did not prepare for the afterlife in the same ways.

How did the the ancient Egyptians prepare their loved ones for the afterlife?

Raped with preserviteves or mummified the deceased, gave them items they could use in the afterlife and last they did regular offerings to honor them.

Was the idea of gods important to ancient Egyptians?

Yes, extremely. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians believed so strongly in the concept of gods and the afterlife that they erected massive tombs and spent great time and effort to prepare their important people and their rich people for the transition to the afterlife.

What was the spell book called to help Egyptians in the afterlife?

Egyptian book of the dead! hope that helps

Why did the Egyptians think that mummification was neccacary?

To preserve, and prepare the body for what they believed as the afterlife.

How did the ordinary people in ancient Egypt prepare for the afterlife?

They did a pee in their pyramids so they would be protected in the afterlife.

What was the main Ancient Egyptian ritual for their Gods?

Ancient Egyptians had more festivals for their gods and goddesses (such as the flooding of the Nile for Osiris) than they had rituals. However the ancient Egyptians believed in magic and had such rituals and spells which they invoked by the power of their gods and goddesses. A well known ritual was performed by the priests of Anubis and called "the Ritual of Life" which was believed to prepare the deceased for the afterlife.

How do the egyptiansprepare for the afterlife?

they prepare for afterlife so when they die the other egyptians make sure the body is dry and has no wetness and then the soul will come back to them and recognize the dead body and the soul will jump in the body and go into afterlife together

Why did the Egyptians take great care to prepare the mummies for the afterlife?

so that they could 'survive' the journey in as best condition as 'humanly' possible

What was the reasons that the egyptians served the pharaohs so willingly?

The Egyptians thought that the Pharaohs were gods, mostly to guide them to a happy afterlife and to help prepare them for the afterlife. Did you know; Cleopatra was not Egyptian?

Why do the Egyptians bury their belongings with them?

They wanted to live comfortably in the after life. You will find furniture, board games, shabti (servants made out of ceramics or clay), and in some cases, food. Jewelry was also common.

What specific things did the Egyptians do to prepare for the afterlife?

The prepared the dead body for after life. There also added valuables because they belived that the dead is on a journey to another world.