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Q: What business has shown the greatest growth over the last ten years?
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How do you use the word steady in a sentence?

I held my horse steady in the strong winds. The business had shown steady growth for more than ten years.

What is growth and decline?

growth is when a business has made many good improvements for the business to survive or the years decline is when the business is not good and the govern wants to get rid of it

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What is the growth pattern of the city over the past 25 years?

Growth patten of a city would basically show:City's population growthCity's economical/financial growthHousing/Business growth

What term is used to describe the southern one third of the nation where the greatest growth has occurred in recent years and where the greatest number of senior citizends tends to retire?

The Sun Belt

Which part of the brain experiences the greatest growth between the ages of 3 and 6 years?

im pretty sure it's frontal lobes.

How do you fine the annual growth rate?

Annual growth rate is the growth rate of business compounded annually. e.g. 20% growth rate means business is growing 20% per year, hence 5 years from today will be around 2.5 times from current. For Indian listed stocks you can find the annualized growth rates at following website Click on Statistics tab there you will find the growth rate of profit and revenue. Also there you will find consistency of growth rates. Higher the consistency means better the growth rate numbers are. In case of Asian paints example growth rate consistency is more then 80% over 5 years, which is very good and shows company has the ability to manage growth rate in different business environments.

What are the three periods of greatest growth for a human?

STAGE ONE; early choldhood (0-8 years), STAGE TWO; middle chidhood (8-12 years), STAGE THREE; adolescence (12-18 years).

Where is the greatest potential for growth of American animal products in the next 10 years?

the American wild hog, pork. Because of the pig bomb (not an actual bomb)

How did 50 years of economic growth affect income distribution in Mexico?

Fifty years of economic growth increased income across the board in Mexico. However, this increase was not equal. As in most countries, the rich, the business owners, received the largest portion of the increased income distribution.

Why has there been a growth of the presidential administration over the years?

Why has there been a growth of the presidential administration over the years

What is the definition of a mid growth spurt?

In our adolescence years we have a growth spurt, but during our juvenile years we only have a small growth spurt therefore we call it a "mid growth spurt" as it is not fully a growth spurt seen in that of adolescence.