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the stone age

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Q: What came first the stone age or the ice age?
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Which came first the ice age or the stone age?

ice age

What came before the stone age?

Ice Age? Just a guess...

What came between the old stone age and the new stone age?

I believe it was an ice age. Several ice ages are spread between the times.

What came first the dinosaurs or the ice age?

If you're talking about the movie Ice Age, then yes dinosaurs came first, but if it's the first ice age, then ice age, as it was approximately 650 million years ago. Hope this answer was useful for you.

What movie came out first ice age 4 or Lorax?


Is the stone age before or after the ice age?


Why did early ice age hunters use copper spear points?

Ice Age hunters didn't use copper spear points. The last ice age ended roughly 12,500 years ago. The Chalcolithic Period (when copper first came into use) spans the period between 4000 and 6000 BCE. In fact, a realistic date for the first use of smelted copper is 4300 BCE. Ice Age hunters were from the Paleolithic Age. The word means "Old Stone." They exclusively used bone, antler and especially stone spear ponts.

How did the new stone age start?

The middle stone age ended with a ice age marking the beginning of the new stone age

Who were the first people to north America?

The first people were indians who came during the ice age.

What is the difference between stoNe age an ice age?

ice age take the majer role of stoneage

What came first the ice age or larger mammals?

Adaptation usually follows changes in climate.

What is the scientific name for ice age?

Pleistocene era.