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The word 'catholic' simply means 'universal'. Hence the Roman Catholic Church means the universal Church of Jesus Christ which has its centre at the Vatican, Rome. The 'catholic' church, however, (with a small 'c') means the universal Church of Jesus Christ throughout the world, consisting of all denominations, Roman Catholic as well as all protestant churches as well.

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How do you say Catholic in German?

Dependending on context, Catholic can be translated as:Katholik (male)Katholikin (female)katholisch

Who translated the Catholic Bible in the 17th century?

This was done by Saint Jerome.

What task did martin Luther and john Wycliffe undertake?

John Wycliffe was dissident Catholic back in the 14th century, he translated that Bible into English and, in general, wrote against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a dissident in the 16th century who left the Catholic Church as a heretic and apostate and translated The Bible into German.

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The New American Bible is the Bible which was translated for and is the official Bible of the Catholic Church in the United State, yes, it carries a the Bishops Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat.

Did King Henry VIII allow the Bible to be translated into English?

Whether Protestant or Catholic, it's good he allowed the Bible to be translated into English. He was the first Monarch to do this.

What are the languages in the catholic bible?

The Catholic Bible is just a translation of the original scriptures. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew with a few passages in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek.The Catholic Bible has been translated into almost every language on Earth.

What were Saint Jerome's contributions to the Catholic Church?

Saint Jerome translated the Bible to Latin so that is could be more widely used and read.

What did John Wycliffe and Martin Luther undertake?

John Wycliffe was dissident Catholic back in the 14th century, he translated that Bible into English and, in general, wrote against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a dissident in the 16th century who left the Catholic Church as a heretic and apostate and translated the Bible into German.

Why is martin Luther known as the iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation period in Germany?

Because he was the first Catholic priest to break away from the Catholic Church, and eventually he translated the Latin Bible into German, hence starting the Lutheran religion, which was the first Protestant religion to break away from the Catholic Church

What impact did Erasmus have on society or the world?

Erasmus was Luther's inspiration to begin the Reformation of the Catholic Church. Also, he translated the Bible into Latin for the Europeans to read.

What was a long term result of martin luthers protest?

A new emphasis on The Bible among Protestant Christians protestant churches where simpler, plainer and looked like shacks compared to catholic churches. religious wars broke out between catholic and Luthern princes. 30 years after the peace of Augsburg occurred. the bible was translated from Latin to German. southern Europe mostly catholic.