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In an older person Posterior Vitreous Detachment. In middle age the Vitreous Gel inside the eye begins to degenerate and shrink, which can cause a separation of the vitreous gel from the retina at the back of the eye. This normal ageing condition leads to "floaters" or "Spiders" in the field of vision. Associated with the condition are flashes of light in the dark. Your vision is otherwise not affected. There is very little, other than wearing dark glasses, that can be done.

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The eye contains a gel in the center called the Vitreous Humour. When this shrinks some of the gel can form visible, solids that people refer to as "floaters".

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Q: What does it mean when you see floaters in your eyes?
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Are black floaters dangerous in your eyes?

If by floaters you mean the things you see when your eyes are relaxed than are fine. If by floaters you mean spots in your eye it would depend on if there is alot of them or just a few. I think you should go to an eye doctor...

Why do the aged see floaters before their eyes how can this be prevented?

The back of the eye is filled with a jelly-like fluid called vitreous. When it breaks down with age, clumps of it can be seen floating around. There is no way to prevent this, but if there are large "floaters", or flashes with the floaters, an optometrist should be seen.

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What are Floaters Is it somthing i should be concerd over?

Floaters are spots that appear in your vision when you move your eyes. Floaters can be a cause for alarm, especially if they increase or you start seeing flashes of light.

Can you have floaters in the eyes at early age?

Yes, you can have eye at a early age.

Can astigmatism give you eye floaters?

No - astigmatism only has to do with the shape of your eye. Floaters are a natural part of aging due to the changes in the jelly-like vitreous in the back of your eye. If you see many floaters, or floaters with flashes of light, make an appointment to see an eye doctor.

A 52-year-old patient describes the presence of occasional floaters or spots moving in front of his eyes?

The most common cause of floaters and flashes in the eye occur as people age. The gel may begin shrinking and causing strands inside of the eye that appear to be floaters. A less common cause of floaters could possibly be a retinal detachment.

Would neck pain cause wavey floaters in the eyes?

Yes. The main cause is sternomastoid muscle.

Is it normal for a 9 year old to see lots of eye floaters?

Not usually unless it is in their genes. If their parents have eye floaters, it is most likely that this would happen.

Are Eye Floaters bad to have at age 13?

You need to see an optometrist for an eye exam Another answer No, eye floaters are not bad, a lot of people have them, they usually won't remove them.

Why do you see little spots when you look to the side?

They are quite normal and are called floaters.

Does anybody know what those little dots in your eyes that move around like bugs are?

If you have dots in your eyes that appear to move around like bugs, they are called floaters.