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Have a better answer many ghosts can manifest themselves and do many stange and wonderful things, such as move objects and communicate with us mortals through ouija boards etc then can also do some very violents acts they have been linking to suspicious deaths such as suicide and house fires etc they can also take control of the human body and speech this being possesion then will also throw objects or even attack you by hitting you or poking.

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15y ago
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14y ago

There are many views on this subject, but I believe the following:

Some types of ghosts can't hit you, but many can. Poltergeists can touch things so they can pick something up and whack you or hit you with their bare ghostly hands. These ghosts can hurt you with anything that humans can hurt you with. Some ghosts can posess you (go inside of a human body) so yet again they have the power of humans.

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8y ago

People often get confused with this it is actually poltergeists that harm you and/or move objects around ghosts are just an apparition so like a hologram really. Although there are also demons which can do pretty much the same as poltergeists. If you have unexplained movement and/or sightings in your or someone you loves home the I suggest you contact someone ASAP. I hope this was helpful :)

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13y ago

Ghosts push you because either they hate someone in your family or if your guilty

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