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The gray mullet normally eats algae. They are found in oceans around Europe, and parts of Asia, and Northern Africa.

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Q: What can gray mullet fish eat?
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get the mullet fish to eat a fish on ur fishing line, instead of bringing the a fish above a water line give it to the big mullet fish to eat! karatepro101

What do mullet fishes eat?

Keep one of your fishes on your line and wait for the mullet to come. He'll eat the little fish.

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How do you get the mullet on gone fishing on clubpenguincom?

When you see the Mullet's silhouette, grab a fish on your line, but keep it on. If you see any other fishes swim by, then you can keep the current fish on your line and grab another one. Wait with the fish still on your line, and when the Mullet comes, he will eat the fish on your line and you can catch him.

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Do mullet fish eat zooplankton?

Mullet fish eat zooplankton. They also eat dead and decaying plant matter and detritus. They are able to eat so many different things due to the arrangement of their internal organs and the inclusion of a gizzard-like organ in their digestive system.

What is a website for mullet fish?

be more specific, do you want to find out what a mullet fish is? a chat site with mullet fish avatars? BE MORE SPECIFIC!!!!!

What do Galapagos penguin do?

they eat schooling fish, mainly mullet sardines and sometimes crustaceans