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You will get a pretty good rash all over your baody. The same thing will happen if you go in the sun without sunscreen while taking this med.

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Q: What can happen if you have an allergic reaction to erythromocin?
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What must happen for an allergic reaction to occur?

To get an allergic reaction you must be allergic to this food. If it enters the mouth,eyes, nose or any place that has an opening you will get the reaction.

Does an antigen cause an allergic reaction?

Only if the person is already allergic to that antigen. Not if they are immune to the antigen. The word antigen refers to the protein that joins with the antibody. If the antibody is of the allergic type (IgE) then an allergic reaction will happen and if the antibody is of the immune type (IgG, IgM or IgA) then there won't be an allergic reaction.

Can you develop an infection from an allergic reaction?

Yes, if the allergic reaction causes a disruption to the integrity of the membrane or structure, you can develop a secondary bacterial or viral infection of the area. I had this happen to me - I had an allergic reaction to a chemical in chemistry class on the outside of my ear and developed a secondary bacterial infection that I had to take antibiotics for.

Can a person have an allergic reaction to camphor?

Yes, a person can have an allergic reaction to camphor. I myself am allergic.

What triggers an allergic reaction?

Allergents are antigens that cause an allergic reaction

Allergic reaction to banana?

An allergic reaction to a banana isn't very common, but it does happen. Some people are allergic to the form of protein contained in the banana. Additionally, if you're allergic to the banana, you could also be allergic to watermelon, cantaloupe kiwi, avocado and chestnuts and latex. Some people aren't actually allergic to bananas, they're allergic to the gas used to ripen bananas.

Can you get an allergic reaction from anacondas?

yes if you are allergic to them or it

What if you are allergic to ibuprofen and you drink it?

You will have an allergic reaction

Can you get allergic reaction after a month?

No, an allergic reaction will occur within 24 hours of exposure.

How do you stop an allergic reaction to nuts?

youi can only stop allergic reaction with an epipen

Can you develop and allergic reaction to birth control pills?

I suspect that anyone can develop a allergic reaction to any medication depending upon what the medication contains and what they are allergic to. If you suspect you have had a allergic reaction, see your Doctor.

Can you be allergic to smells?

No, but you can get an allergic reaction from breathing in/smelling something you are allergic to.