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Lice Eggs and Lice Nits are usually mistaken as Dandruff and Dandruff is usually mistaken as Lice Eggs and Lice Nits

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How do you know if you have lice?

your head itchesThe first sign to look for is an itchy scalp. The second sign is if you see something that looks like dandruff & it doesn't come off easily, it could be lice or a lice egg that hasn't hatched yet. But sometimes you can have lice & you don't have any symptoms. Lice is sometimes mistaken for dandruff. Lice eggs are light or dark, depending on how light or dark your hair is. The only way to know for sure that you have lice, is to check.

How are lice born?

lice are insects. people who have lice comb their hair and little lice eggs/larvae get left on the comb. they wear a hat it gets stuck on the hat. when someone else uses the comb/hat, the eggs/larvae get left on their scalp, hatch, and reproduce

What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

Can dogs get nits?

no dogs can not get lice they can only get a different lice which is dog lice not head lice which humans get so basically no dogs can NOT get nits (lice)

Is mistaken a verb?

Yes mistaken is the past participle of mistake.Sorry I have mistaken you for somebody else.Also mistaken can be an adjective.Sorry I am mistaken.

Do you say Lice is or lice are?

"Louse" is the singular form; the plural is "lice".

Can dogs get lice?

Yes, dogs can get lice but , lice is more human related.

Is people lice the same as swine lice?

No swine lice is species specific

How do you prevent head lice?

Buy lice shampoo that helps and prevents lice.

Do africans have lice?

ANYONE can have lice

Do dogs get lice?

yes they do get lice.

What is the most frequent factor of misdiagnosis head lice?

Lice is very common. I find that many get it during the childhood. three million ppl get lice each year in the United States. People should avoid using hair things and brushes with ppl who have lice. Many do not tell others they have lice b/c it is a nuesence. Also Hair Stylists don't cut lice hair but most ppl find it easier to treat lice with shorter hair. Try NOT TELLING the Stylist that's what i did.