

What makes rainwater acidic?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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The term acid rain or more accurately acid precipitation is commonly used to mean the deposition of acidic components in rain, snow, dew, or dry particles. Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide,methane and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere, undergo chemical transformations, and are absorbed by water droplets in clouds. The droplets then fall to earth as rain, snow, mist, dry dust, hail, or sleet. This increases the acidity of the soil, and affects the chemical balance of lakes and streams.

The term "acid rain" is sometimes used more generally to include all forms of acid deposition - both wet deposition, where acidic gases and particles are removed by rain or other precipitation, and dry deposition removal of gases and particles to the Earth's surface in the absence of precipitation.

Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low. Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical atmospheric concentrations of CO2. Therefore a pH of less than 5.6 has sometimes been used as a definition of acid rain. However, natural sources of acidity mean that in remote areas, rain has a pH which is between 4.5 and 5.6 with an average value of 5.0 and so rain with a pH of less than 5 is a more appropriate definition. Acid rain accelerates weathering in carbonate rocks and accelerates building weathering. It also contributes to acidification of rivers, streams, and forest damage at high elevations. When the acid builds up in rivers and streams, it can kill fish.

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14y ago
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12y ago

SO2, SO3 and CO2 generated by industrial and natural processes react with water vapors in the atmosphere:

SO2 + H2O -> H2SO3

SO3 + H2O -> H2SO4

CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3

These are some of the acids that make rain water acidic

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12y ago

Becasue if it was above ph6 then it could burn us as it rains

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poultion in the atmosphere

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S02 is produced by mold. It makes the rain water acidic because when it rains the dirt and pollution in the air are collected and when it floods the pollution an the ground is collected in the water.

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Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides released into the atmosphere form sulfuric and nitric acid when they come in contact with moisture,

What kind of weathering is caused by acidic rainwater?

Erosion I think :-)

Does naturally acidic rainwater contain carbonic acid?

Yes it can

Why the normal pH of rainwater is acidic?

Rainwater is normally acidic because the carbon dioxide in the air which mixes with rainwater to form weak acid. That's why its acidic ^_^ Rainwater is also because of the pollutions in the air and it mixes with the water so its not good. meee!