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Us and elephants are the only land animals that can cry.

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Q: What can only human and elephants do that no other animal cannot?
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What is the kindest wild animal?

Elephants, their only enemies are human. Another answer: elephants can be dangerous too. yes, they can be but only if they are threatened by humans! A bull elephant in musth is dangerous to anything that comes near it, including other elephants.

What is a orangoutan mixed with a human?

An orangutan cannot mate with a human and produce young. So the question cannot be answered. It is genetically impossible for a human to have a baby by an animal, and it is also genetically impossible for a animal to have a baby by a human. ANY kind of animal. Humans can only have babies with other humans.

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a full grown elephant?

Elephants cannot jump, so, yes, a kangaroo, or any other animal, can jump higher than an elephant can.

Is a leopard the native animal of Africa?

yes they are but there are other ones like elephants and bull dogs yes they are but there are other ones like elephants and bull dogs

What do female elephants have that no other animal has?

My name is Bryan Cruise (Cruiz3r) I'm new at answering these questions. But I think an Elelphant can carry water in its trunk (and no other animal can do that?!)

Can a human talk to a whale?

No, A human can't talk to a whale. Can a human talk to a dog or any other animal. No a human can't A human can talk to a whale, but whales probably cannot understand humans or talk back.

Are their real human animal hybrid?

If you mean a human-other animal hybrid, the answer is: not that we know of.

Can owls cry as in having tear ducts like a human?

No. Owls cannot cry like humans as in tears coming out of their eyes. The only other mammal that can cry like humans are elephants.

Do elephants have realtionships with other animals?

Yes they do. Lions and human babies happen to be their favourites.

What things elephants cannot do with their trunks?

Elephants can't ride to a airplane..but all can do that even a monkey or other animals...

What is the cruelest animal in the world?

the robinThe cruelest animal in the world is of course the Human! No other animal will breed any other for meat, entertainment, sport or clothes. Not to mention the way in it is done, for max profits. No other animal is crueler to it's own that a Human also. So your answer to the question is the Human!

Can a animal be used for medicine?

it depends on the animal. But i'm pretty sure that tusks on elephants and other certain animals are grounded into a fine powder to use for medicine.