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Q: What can scientist tell about an extinct organisms in relation to a living organism with which it has many derived characteristics in common?
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in relation to cells it is endosymbiosis

What is the relation of cells to the organism on a whole?

The relationship between cells and organisms is that organisms are made of cells. This is one part of the cell theory.

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Bionomial Nomenclature: is a system used by modern scientists to name organisms. Phylogeny: is the evolutionary history of an organism, or how it changed over time.

What are animals in symbiotic relation called?

It depends on what type of relationship they have. Parasitism is when one organism lives in or on another organism and harms it. Mutualism is when two organisms benefit from their relationship. Commensalism is when one organism benefits from the relationship and the other is not helped, nor is it harmed.

What is the Relation of two organism?

You know what you are the most disgusting person iv ever know on the the internet. You should know better than to talk about those organisms.

When one species hurts another species to help itself?

Parasitism. It is Any relationship between organisms where one is benefited and the other is harmed. With is what a parasite does. Parasite def. Any organism that has its needs met at the expense of another

Defintion of commensalism?

One organism benefits anf the other is not harmed. FOr NOVANET.

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What simbiotic relation does it have?

it is relationship in which organisms are essential to each other

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A group of organisms of the same species, having distinctive characteristics but not usually considered a separate breed or variety: a superior strain of wheat; a smooth strain of bacteria.

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