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A believer in Judaism would say that the religion of Judaism teaches Jews how to live in accordance with the commandments of God, as well as teaching why that is the right thing to do.

A non-religious answer would be that Judaism can teach about the traditions and beliefs of an ancient and influential culture which has played a significant role in human history and which continues to exert a significant influence on world events.

  • Answer 2
The lessons are too many to count, but here are a few.

1) Every human being is as important as the entire universe (Mishna, Sanhedrin 4:5).

2) Our actions, thoughts and speech create ripples that spread throughout eternity.

3) Everything is a test.

4) The only temporal thing that you really own is time; and not much of that either. Every moment is golden.

5) To be Jewish, almost by definition, is to be happy, content, and optimistic.

6) Our soul (yes, humans possess a soul) - yearns for God; and this emotion won't be assuaged with food, money or pleasures.

7) The truth is much more interesting than fiction. The Torah will not only reveal its own secrets to those who study it; it will also reveal the secrets of history, and the inner workings of men's minds.

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Where can one learn about Judaism 101?

You can learn about Judaism 101 online from the Jew FAQ website. You can also find information pertaining to Judaism 101 online from the About website subcategory Judaism.

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Every Jew is permitted to learn the teaching of Judaism. However, women are not allowed to learn the oral Tradition, namely Gemara.

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The Torah.

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although Judaism doesn't seek converts, you can read the Torah. you can walk into a synagogue or a Jewish bookstore and ask.

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Judaism is not a sacred text, it is a religion and that religion happens to have a sacred text. To learn more about Judaism's Sacred Text, read the Related Question.

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In general, funerals are not a long ceremony in Judaism. A long funeral would be over half an hour.

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No. Judaism developed primarily in what is today Israel/Palestine, Iraq, and the general Mediterranean area. While there are certainly Persian ideas in Judaism and the Second Great Temple was built when the Jews were under the Persian Empire, Judaism did not develop in Persia.

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A way in which to learn.

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The Western Wall is particularly sacred to the JUDAISM, the religion of the Jews.However, the general Temple Mount site, of which the Western Wall is just a part, is holy to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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