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There are limited medications labeled to treat a "runny nose" in patients with hypertension. Most over-the-counter medications approved for HTN patients contain chlorpheniramine. Please consult your personal physician before taking any medications.

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Antihistamines are okay, but steer clear of anything containing a decongestant.

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Q: What can you take for a stuffy nose if you have high blood pressure?
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Will your nose bleed if you see big breasts?

No it doesn't if u have high blood pressure it will

How is a bloody nose and high blood pressure related?

They're usually not related at all.

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Blood pressure has nothing to do with the size of your nose.

Why does nose starts bleeding on high mountains?

at high altitudes,since the air pressure is less,breathing becomes difficult and nose bleeding may occur due to excess pressure of blood over the atmospheric pressure.

Does your nose grow during puberty?

It will grow proportionally to the rest of the body

Why does your nose bleed when you laugh?

Most likely dry air. Or a build up of too much pressure.

How to get rid of a stuffy nose and coughing?

You can get rid of a stuffy nose and coughing by using nasal sprays and cough syrups.

How do you relieve a stuffy nose?

You can't exactly cure a stuffy nose, but to make yourself feel better, you can drink chicken soup. You should try it, I drink it all the time when I have stuffy nose. It helps a lot. :D

What is stuffy nose and its causes?

a stuffy nose is when all the mucus in your body gets bloked at the top of your nostril and you find it hard to breathe out of !

How can you go from nose bleeds a sign of high blood pressure to fainting a sign of low blood pressure within the space of 2 weeks?

If your nose bleeds were a sign of high blood pressure you most likely saw a medical provider. They probably put you on blood pressure lowering medication and this medication may have dropped the pressure to low. There are also things that will spike a blood pressure really high such as cocaine and certain medical conditions (pheochromocytoma) I'm only 19 but my parents have high and low blood pressure, my mum's low blood pressure causes her to feel faint, she works for the nhs and pointed out when i was younger (because i would get nose bleeds weekly) that i may have high blood pressure like my dad. I've only had my bloodpressure checked twice once it was very low, my friend who is studying biology did it, and the other time it was normal, that time a nurse did it. I also dont do any drugs and i dont have any medical conditions that would cause this

How is stuffy nose diagnosed?

When you can't breathe through your "nose-holes", I'd say you had a stuffy nose! Don't start using nose spray!!! You might end up getting addicted to it!!!

Why is your nose so stuffy?

Because it has buggers.