

What care needs to be taken with new ferret kits?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What care needs to be taken with new ferret kits?
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What if your ferret is overdue her kits?

If your ferret is overdue to give birth, she needs to be seen by a veterinarian asap.

When do you introduce the ferret hob to the kits?

You can introduce the ferret hob to the kits as long as he is no longer in season.

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What is it called when a ferret has babies?

Ferret babies are called "Kits" just like baby cats!

What is a ferret at birth?

Baby ferrets are called Kits.

How do Ferret give birth?

A ferret can have 2 litters a year with an average of 8 kits per litter

What size litter will a ferret have?

Ferret litters vary greatly. The litter could be just one kit or as many as 17 kits. The average litter is 6-8 kits.

When to start feeding ferret kits?

Offer baby kits moist food at about three weeks of age.

Will the mother ferret eat her kits?

If a mother ferret perceives a danger or threat to her babies, yes she will eat them. By doing so, she will come into season again to mate and have another litter.

How large are ferret babies?

Ferret babies are commonly called kits. They are very small when they are born usually weighing between 8 - 10 grams.

Up to what age is a kit ferret?

Ferrets are considered kits until they are 1 year old

How many offspring do ferrets have at a time?

Ferret litters vary greatly. A litter can consist of just 1 kit (baby ferret) or as many as 17 kits. The average ferret litter consists of 6-8 kits.It varies a lot. The ferret can have just one kit or as many as 17 kits in a litter. The average litter is 7 kits but like I said the number of babies varies hugely